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The Standard Model: The Most Successful Scientific Theory Ever - YouTube

via:: [[quanta magazine]] topic:: [[the standard model]]

![[The Standard Model The Most Successful Scientific Theory Ever.png]]

The Standard Model of particle physics is the most successful scientific theory of all time. It describes how everything in the universe is made of 12 different types of matter particles, interacting with three forces, all bound together by a rather special particle called the Higgs boson. It’s the pinnacle of 400 years of science and gives the correct answer to hundreds of thousands of experiments. In this explainer, Cambridge University physicist David Tong recreates the model, piece by piece, to provide some intuition for how the fundamental building blocks of our universe fit together. At the end of the video, he also points out what’s missing from the model and what work is left to do in order to complete the Theory of Everything. **Correction: At 13'50", the photon should be included with the three fundamental forces. The animation here is incorrect, while the narration is correct.

12 types of matter particles interacting with 3 forces all bound together by a rather special particle, called the Higgs Boson

There is a caveat: There are actually four fundamental forces at play in the universe; Gravity. The one we are most familiar with, but the one we understand the least.

General Relativity - our model of gravity, but not included in the standard model, because:

  • at the smallest scale gravity is so weak it barely has an effect on subatomic particles
  • We barely know how to incorporate GR into QM

Quantum Field Theory: Matter is not particles, but fields.

The Particles

Two types of particles

[[../_inbox/inbox-2021/inbox-2021-09/Fermions]] - matter particles [[Bosons]] - force particles

Their differences lie in the quantum world.

Fermions must obey the [[Pauli Exclusion Principle]] → roughly that means you cannot put two matter particles on top of each other in the same space. They cannot occupy the same area of space.

Bosons can pile on top of each other; do not obey the Pauli Exclusion Principle


Everything can be reduced to three matter particles:

[[Proton]] = up up down [[Neutron]] = down down up

Fourth type of matter particle - [[Neutrino]], which is not like the others. They are extremely light and barely interact with anything else

![[a.The Standard Model The Most Successful Scientific Theory Ever - four matter particles.png]]

Copies of the four particles

More types of particles: Two copies of each of these four. So there are three types of electrons.


They all behave the same, except Muon ca. 200x heavier Tau 3k times heavier

Down quark
Up quark

Generations of particles

These are generations of particles. Electron is 1st gen, Muon 2nd gen, Tau 3rd gen. 2nd and 3rd generations decay quickly into 1st generation particles.

The sets

We understand very well why particles come in sets of four - mathematical consistency principle in the standard model. (the sets of four are, electron, up quark, down quark, neutrino) We don't understand why there are three generations though.

The Dirac Equation

All the particles are described by the same equation - the Dirac Equation.

The forces

These have force-carrying particles, the bosons. We can imagine the fermions constantly swapping bosons, which effect the fermions in various ways.


Responsible for the chemical properties of the elements. It acts on anything that carries electric charge. So it acts on the electron-type and quark-type particles, but not on the neutrinos.

The electric field is composed of [[photons]].

The strong force

Acts only on quarks, thus on protons and neutrons, as they are made of quarks. It holds together the nucleii of atoms.

It is also responsible for nuclear fission and gives the energy that is released in an atomic explosion.

The associated particle to the strong force is the [[gluon]]. Named so because it sticks quarks together.

Quarks give rise to a gluon field (like the electron gives rise to an electromagnetic field). This field does however not radiate outwards, but is emitted in a string-like flux-tube.

This is so strong that we never see quarks on their own.

The Weak Force

The most subtle and intricate of the forces. It acts only on sub-atomic distance scales. It is all about decay.

It lets quarks switch their identity. Down quark can turn into an up quark, Releasing an electron and a neutrino.

This means that a neutron can morph into a proton - radioactive beta decay Because neutron = down down up proton = down up up

So the weak force is responsible for the nuclear fusion reactions that power the sun.

The weak force is also the reason that heavier matter particles (2nd and 3rd gen) quickly decay into the lighter fermions.

The particles associated with the weak force are the [[W boson]] and the [[Z boson]].

It is the only force that acts on all types of particles. So it is the only force that neutrinos are affected by.

The Higgs Boson

None of the fundamental particles have mass - this is what the [[Higgs boson]] gives to the fermions.

The standard model is too successful

It gives the right answer to all our experiments. Only if one our experiments don't submit to the standard model can we find out what lies beyond.

Open questions

Whether the three fundamental forces are actually different, or whether they are manifestations of one, all-encomassing force. The dream of a Grand Unified Theory.

Gravitational waves - good reason to believe these waves are made of particles we call gravitons

Dark matter and dark energy.

Why is the muon 200x heavier than the electron, while the top quark is 350k times heavier than the electron? Why is the neutrino a million times ligher?

thought:: mass, heaviness and lightness - all seem like substitutions for interactions with the Higgs Field.

Referred in

The Standard Model: The Most Successful Scientific Theory Ever - YouTube